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Holy shit, ladies.

Holy shit.

Four. Hundred. (I believe the blog post still shows 397, but Lori confirmed we broke 400 on FB)

My assistant and I are both very proud of the record-setting numbers for this bead soup blog party, and feeling for poor Lori. If sugar pie could ship well, girl, I would send you a dozen of them.

What I can do, however, if keep you busy while we wait for our partners ! That’s right. Welcome to my first giveaway !

And what am I giving away, you ask ?

I have a not-so-secret obsession with keys and bottles. I have collected knick-knacks in bottles on necklaces and bracelets for ages now. Then… Eventually… it did dawn to me that I could actually do my own now.

The world might never recover.
In this set there are 5 bottles. Each can either be wire-wrapped along the rim or hung from an eyehook. (I will send you an eyehook for each bottle in a separate baggie, so you can decide weither to use them or not)
Going from left to right :
– bottle with blue and green seed beads (The cork isn’t glued on this one, so if you want to change it up, feel free)
– bottle with black iris/metallic seed beads (ditto) 
– bottle of orange and red seed beads set in resin + red and gold glitter (the effect on this one is very funky. The bottle almost seems to glow in the right light !)

– bottle painted with vintaj patinas (the cork is glued on this one… sorry ! Didn’t think about it)
– bottle with a red and white feather set in resin + red and gold glitter. (Phoenix Down, anyone ?)

I am also sending you three blanks that I’ve stamped and etched with my big kick. Two darling little keys (earrings ? Hmmm~) and a bird. To top this off, there is also a full length of ribbon that I’ve dyed with copic markers. There is enough ribbon here to make a very long necklace, or a necklace AND a bracelet !

And there might also be other surprises, too. Because I like surprises.

So how does one enter to win this ? Well, you don’t need to be participating in the bead soup blog hop. Love is free ! Simply leave a comment here, on this post, and let me know what kind of ideas you get from this set ! (this will have no bearing on who wins, since I am simply going to randomize a number from the comments… But I am curious ! I think that blue bottle would fit quite well with a little drink me tag… Too bad the alice blog hop has passed !)

The giveaway will be open until midnight on June 24. Why ? Because that’s Lori’s target date to have the participants sent out, and well, it’s my birthday and i’ll give things away if I want to. ;P I will roll the winner on the 25th after I come home from work.

I am also willing to send this more or less anywhere, so I don’t care if you live in timbuctu – get enterin’, ladies !

34 Responses to “GIVEAWAY !!!!”

  1. I would wire wrap the heck out of everything. Because that's what I do. I also think I would like to make several bracelets out of that ribbon, or maybe just one lengthy wrap bracelet. That would be spiffy. ♥

  2. I'm wondering if I could do a big ole chain on knots (macrame style) with the ribbon on one side of a necklace with chain and beads on the other side with a bottle suspended? Or punch a hole on either side of the bird piece and use the ribbon on one side & some beads on the other side to make a bracelet?

  3. Ok I see that pale blue bottle and I would use it as a focal (I like the eye hook idea), wire it with some chain and recycled glass and use that ribbon as the back tie. And Happy Birthday! Today is my birthday, you are only three days after me! –Diane V.

  4. The ribbon is gorgeous! It would look so pretty intertwined in chain with one of the glass bottles as a focal and some glass lamp work beads and crystals surrounding it. I also like the keys for earrings. I think they would be great dangled at an angle off of some beautiful lamp work beads or something more natural like a lava bead or a bone bead. OOOOH My head is swimming with ideas….. What a great giveaway! Thank you!

  5. I would wrap the bottles in Copper. I would use the beads in the design for the necklace and then fill the bottles with alittle bit of colorrreee fun…oh and I would add some polymer clay charms with some vintage charm ;-D
    PS.Happy up and coming Birthday!! 🙂

  6. I am surprised at all the entries for BSBP, I would absoutly love to win. I have three little bottle like these but no stoppers. I would sit mine in my window so I can look at it while doing the kitchen chores. 🙂

  7. I would paint the keys and relief the embossing and make earrings, and I've never made jewelry with bottles but these are so pretty, I'm sure I would leave them by themselves but add a little tag with them to personalize them for the owner. Very cute!! I'd use the large embossed blank and silk in a bracelet.

  8. I am a beadweaver who would love to try mixing the beads with the dyed ribbon. It is lovely! I am sure I could come up with something if I won lol! Thank you for the giveaway!

  9. Thank you for the opportunity to enter. I've been wanting to try some more things with ribbon and I love those colors. Copper is my fav metal . The little bottles are out of my comfort zone but I'd give it a shot.

  10. I'm already a big fan of using mini bottles in jewellery (My Message-in-a-Bottle Necklaces are a big hit!) But for some reason, your picture and beautiful items inspire me to create some kind of ribbon hair accessory. Probably, wire wrap the mini bottles to the ribbon and anyone could tie a ribbon bow with mini bottle charm to their ponytail. Btw the ribbon colours are very pretty!

  11. Before I read the post I looked at the photo and immediately thought "drink me" as well!
    I love teeny bottles, I've got quite the collection going on. I would use the ribbon for the back 1/3 with a bow at the back, and the rest I couldn't tell ya! I don't at all plan my creations…. I put everything in front of myself and make a masterpiece without thought! Lol, thanks for the chance! 🙂

  12. Thank you for sharing that you made the ribbon with Copic markers. I've wanted to do something but didn't want to drag everything out. Markers might just be the thing!!thanks!!

  13. The ribbon color is wonderful, the bottles are neat – especially the one with seed beads in resin. Depending on the size of the bottles, I'm thinking a bracelet. Thanks for hosting the give away.

  14. My favorite is the ribbon, but I like also the other pieces. I think I would combine them with polymer clay for different pieces of jewellery, specially neklaces & earrings.

  15. What a wonderful idea Audrey. It is always great to have extra things to do while we wait cuz waiting is not so easy when your so excited. I love the bottles and would wire wrap them with some of my metal clay charms. The ribbon I would use to create some awesome mixed media bracelets. Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway.

  16. Sorry if I repeated any ideas above. It's way past my bedtime so I didn't want my inspiration to leave me while I read the comments. I'd use the ribbon to make a wrap bracelet with my new bunny toggle. I often use them as hair ties in a pinch. I'd embroider blue green and copper seed beads around the bird. I totally agree with the drink me for the blue bottle. I'd probably add an old key too maybe make a bits and baubles kinda pendant. For some reason I see the two red ones stitched into those barefoot sandals that I never understood, but always wanted. Something great about tiny bottles on the beach. Ok apparently sleep deprivation gives me some wild ideas.

  17. I'm not sure what I'd do with the bottles. I've never worked with them, but I think I'd wire-wrap at least a couple of them. I'd like to figure out something else to do 'outside the box' with the rest. And I love that ribbon.

  18. I might go way out of my comfort zone and try a little patriotic them with the red and blue and white ribbon. Oh, and the bird and keys, earrings, and then a sweet little necklace with some flowers on and chain for the bird. Then I might just sit and think about the ribbon and the other bottles…

  19. You made a real funny description of your giveaway. Makes me smile, one more time for this day. :-))
    I won't wire the bottle up because i don't know these technique. 😉 I would use very thiny seedbeads and beezeling with them around the bottle. Some days, sorry, some weeks ago, i've got some old keys which where used before as cabinet keys. With them i will do the same. beading around with colorful seedbeads.
    Happy beading gite

  20. Thanks for the opportunity and for sharing your birthday cheer with us. I'm making a necklace for a friend with a severe metal allergy so the ribbon and bottles would be great for her with a button clasp. Maybe an ocean theme with the blue… and lovely painted metal earrings for me!

  21. Hi Lisa ! It looks like I can't reply to you directly by email, so hopefully you'll see this still.

    I do buy some of my components in Canada, yup. If you have a DeSerres near you, it might be worth keeping an eye out, but from my own experience their beads is often mislabelled and a tad overpriced.

    Winnipeg is a big city, there might be a bead store or two you might never have noticed before since you weren't in the hobby ? Again, keep an eye out !

    Other than that I ran an etsy search to find if there were any seller of jewelry supplies near me – turn out there were a few in montreal. Not quite local, but close enough.

    Don't discredit USA-based online stores completely, through. and have very reasonable shipping prices, as do some sellers on etsy. I spill a few of my secrets in there :

    Hopefully this helps !

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