Color Surprise Challenge, Summer Lovin’, and what’s in a name ?

((Don’t forget that I have a giveaway going until June 24th, midnight EST ! If you havn’t entered yet, please don’t forget to do so ! <3))

The Bead Soup Blog Party partners are going out as I type this ! Again, I need to tip my hat off to Lori for her dedication to this swap, and all of the effort she is putting into it… You rock, lady. What a superstar <3

As of today I am one week + a day (I work next saturday. BOOOO.) away from my vacation. And oh lord do I need this vacation. The east coast has been good and toasty and humid for the last two week and here up north is no exception, so I am poooooped. I also do not take any vacation in the winter, so I have more or less been working non-stop (with a looooot of overtime, thank you flaky co-workers) since last august.

I am certainly due. And I have a whole month off work coming to me. WOOOOO !

I will keep busy, of course. Im not a big traveller – I don’t drive, which doesn’t help there – and depending when my brother does get his vacation, I might not go anywhere at all. That means loooots of biking, looooots of pool time… and a lot of beading !

Certainly nothing wrong with that, no sir.

I am currently taking part in three other challenges, two of which involves kits. I got the kit for the second one today, so I figured I would slide in a word about them, through sadly neither kit challenges are still open for more people. I believe the written blog hop is still accepting people !

The first blog hop is a simple one. Shelley of Fabric Of My Life wants to know – what’s in a name ? The name of my blog, of course ! Now, im keeping my lips zipped on this – no use giving away the punch ! But I will simply tell you that the answer is a little more personal than one might think.

Shelley is still taking participants and the posting date is July 17 – her birthday ! Come play with us ! <3

Then next…

Lisa of Pine Ridge Treasures came up with a fun way to run a destash – turn it into a challenge ! The Color Surprise Challenge is aptly named because each one of us brought our kits blindly – knowing roughly what we would get, bead-species wise, but not what color we would get ! I got blue, which is… kind of funny, because I was so afraid I would end up with yellow and not know what to do with it. Doesn’t that focal look yummy ? And that turquoise ? Oh, yes. I will do yummy things with that delicious set indeed. It will be glorious.
The reveal for the Color Surprise Challenge will be July 21 !

And finally, for now…

This is the Summer Lovin’ challenge, held by Amy of Amybeads Sandra was the one to find this, and well… look at that focal. I did not need much convincing at all to leap into this <<

I have a few ideas already…. I fear my piece will not be very summery.  BUT ! It will be lovely. It will be lovely indeed. Yummy silvers and golds and… lucite ? That’s all you’re getting out of me. 8D

The reveal date for the summer lovin’ challenge will be August 1. See you all on these dates !

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