Trift Store : Part 2 : Electric… boogaloo ?

I woke up to a computer who refused to boot.

This was rather unusual. There was a black out last night, and I figure windows might have been installing updates because my windows installation was hosed. Oh my.

Well, good thing a computer doesn’t stay stubborn with me very long. Im already back in action, see ?

And while updates were installing, I went back to the thrift store, because you know… I could. XD

And I made out like a bandit.


By that I mean 1.50$ for this :

And this

And this…

And this…

And this…

It goes on and on my friend…

Dang, uh ? Well, I don ‘t think all of these will make an apparance to the thrift store blog hop, but, keep an eye out… Well, the last one im waiting to hear from B’Sue before I do ANYTHING to it, just to be safe.

One response to “Trift Store : Part 2 : Electric… boogaloo ?”

  1. Audrey~I LOVE thrifting too (much to my husbands dismay). I love that you never know what treasures you might find.. looks like you hit the JACKPOT here.
    I am doing some repairs for a customer and went thrifting yesterday to find some jet black antique looking bits. I was lucky, found some good stuff & it was 'military' day so I got an extra 20% off.
    I'd like to see what you make of these.

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