A Special Collaboration…

I have had the honor to collaborate (even if long-distance) with a very talented young man. Most of you might very well know him !

His name is Zachary Anderson.

Yep, I was one of the lucky dogs who managed to grap one of Zack’s resin focals when they went up.

This is the focal I got, with matching beads lovingly picked out by his mama Lori

Hmmmmm……. What does one do with this ?

I’ll show you ;D

That’s what. I did not set out for Fancy on purpose…. It just kind of happened. This is a very long necklace, too, much longer than I usually make them, I used every single bead Lori sent me !

But if you ask me, the focal makes it. Zack had the hard part of the job. :> The fluorite rounds as well as the small glass rounds came out of my personal stash.

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5 Responses to “A Special Collaboration…”

  1. You are lucky, to get a "Zack original!" And my, what you've done with it is splendid! I'd say you did Zack proud! (Really nice blog entry too! You've made everything special!)

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