Bead Soup Blog Party 8 :: Chirp chirp… Chirp Chirp ?

You know what they say about great minds, right ? Well, this is more than a little funny… Sandra and I both received our respective soups today, and… well…

We sent along the same themes. XD Just different colors and executions of said themes ! My other soup was much different, and Sandra had three soups to pick from… What were the odds of this ? XD

Before anything else, I would like to say that I have been completely and utterly shamed in the packaging department. Just look at this ! And there I just tucked everything safely into a box…. Sadly packaging is not my strong point.

But man, look at this haullllll. Two focals, lucky me ! One if a beach glass find that Sandra wire-wrapped herself – isn’t it lovely ? I’ve done some wire-wrapping of stones – in fact, that’s where I started because this is what my lovely mentor Bee excels at. And yet, a year later, our styles have diverged so much that Lori paired us up !

The second focal is that lovely bird by Rebekah of Tree Wings Studio whose shop I should not have looked up because LOOK AT THOSE CUTE BEADS ASDF ASDF I think im gonna raid it someone please send halp. The two bigger red and black disks are also by Rebekah.

Also pictured is coral – which is something I’ve always wanted to work with !, small pearls, an assortment of lovely gemstones, a clock claps barely peeking out from under the bird’s wing, and my nemesis… The yellow. Those are very interesting yellow beads, however, and this set will work very well with the few yellow beads I do already own, mostly from swaps and soup purchases.  I already have ideas swirling in my mind, so this will be very interesting indeed.
As for the soup I have sent…
…Buuuuuuuurds. <<; The fact that this was completely unintentional really makes this even better. My soup features a clasp from Cat of BooBeads, some of the favorite clasps I have ever owned. 🙂 You might have seen another similar a few posts down, in my remake of the star necklace.
Sandra’s challenge will come from the focal – which is bigger than what she usually uses. I always tend to work with volume and big focal points. The ribbon will also be a bit of a challenge for her. Basically, I provided her with materials that are things I commonly use, but are completely foreign to her. I can’t wait to see how she uses them ! Likely she will use them in very different ways than I usually do.
Warning, birds may attract cats…

2 Responses to “Bead Soup Blog Party 8 :: Chirp chirp… Chirp Chirp ?”

  1. Lol Yes, so many little challenges in your soup for me 🙂 And so many little coincidences to giggle over… the almost same colour choice, then the same theme and similar beads, the packages arriving on the same day.. within a very short time of each other! lol And then there's an added little giggle that just hit me… you sent me a clasp by Cat… and I almost sent you a cat clasp >.< lol I totally should've.. if only it had been copper isn't of the silver tone… lol

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