((Feel free to skip the tl;dr bullshit and go right to the pretty. I won’t blame ya.))
Dreams are a bit of a… slippery subject for me, to be honest. I’ve struggled with self-esteem issues all my life, and am still struggling with them now. I will probably be struggling with them all my life.
Every time I have reached out for my dreams, I have failed. Sometimes a little harder than other times. It just seems that whatever I do is never good enough, and I’ll never go anywhere. It’s easy to wonder ‘why me’ and go down that slippery slope, so I try to do my best not to go there at all.
I think my dreams right now are simple – I want to be happy. Yet that seems just as unattainable as the rest of them. Maybe one day I’ll get there.
This piece came about really quickly and basically on it’s own. The cameo was tinted from blue to purple with the help of Lisa’s lovely color me this line, allowing me to tint the cameo without losing too much details or staining the white. The cameo is also a reference to my mother, who has left us seven years ago now. She loved cameos very much. The bead I have gotten as part of the blog hop sits nestled safely in it’s little frame, surrounded by flowers. I think that’s what I want. I want to feel safe, surrounded by things that I love.
The frame and the back plate was first darkened then built up in a very subtle patina. It’s a hard to see on the photo, but in real life it’s quite visible.
Patricia’s blog: The Color of Dreams
Patricias Etsy: The Color of Dreams
Hostess: TJ Jewel School Friends
Kay Thomerson KayzKreationz
Audrey Belanger Toki No Hourousha <=== You are here
Terry Carter TappingFlamingo
Lori Schneider Bead Addict
Jenny Kyrlach Wonder and Whimsy
Asri Wahyuingsih Asri’s Beadwork
Dini Bruinsma Angaza by Changes
Karla Morgan Texas Pepper Jams
Debbie Rasmussen A Little of This, A Little of That
Veralynne Malone Designed by Vera
Kathy Stemke Vintage Memories Jewelry Design
Mowse Doyle Mowse Made This
Heather Richter Desert Jewelry Designs
Lori Poppe Adventures in Creativity with LorilliJean
Jayne Capps Mama’s Got To Doodle
Andrea Glick Zenith Jade Creations
Kathleen Breeding 99 Bottles of Beads on the Wall
Becky Pancake Becky Pancake Bead Designs
Karin Martinez Fairies Market
Miranda Ackerley Mirandack
Penny Houghton Smelly Nelly
Carolyn Lawson Carolyn’s Creations
Chris Eisenberg Wanderware
Christie Murrow Charis Designs Jewelry
Monique Urquhart A Half-Baked Notion
Eve Shelby Raindrop Creations Jewelry by Evelyn
Cryss Thain Here Bead Dragons
Jasvanti Patel Jewelry By Jasvanti
Nan Smith NanMade Handmade Jewelry
Sue Kennedy SueBeads
Jean Yates Snap Out of It, Jean! There’s Beading to be Done!
Debbie Rogers Debbies Treasures
Marybeth Rich A Few Words From Within the Pines
Shirley Moore Beads and Bread
Shaia Williams Shaiha’s Ramblings
Kathy Lindemer Bay Moon Design
Linda Anderson From the Bead Board
Judy Turner Silver Rains
Gloria Allen Gloria Allen Designs
Regina Wood Ginas-Design
Robin Reed Artistry HCBD
Mary Goovars MLH Jewelry Designs
Marlene Cupo Amazing Designs
CJ Bauschka 4 His Glory Creations
Robin Showstack The Crazy Bead Hoarder
Cynthia O’Toole Sparkles and Sweets
Jael Thorp Jael’s Art Jewels
Renetha Stanziano Lamplight Crafts
32 Responses to “The Color of Dreams Blog Hop :: Reveal !”
Beautiful piece!!!
Wow! Stunning! jean
Gorgeous piece. I love the cameo! And the whole piece just seems to come together with the colors of you dream bead. Great job. Thanks for posting.
Your necklace is interesting and unique which leads me to believe that you are also interesting and unique. I love the fact that it's so rich in detail and full of STORY.
Hold on to your dreams…you never know when they will blossom. I was single for almost 30 years after a divorce…then I met my prince charming. He came out of nowhere! Remember, "The Best is yet to come!"
PS: I'm a new follower of yours.
That's a great way to use your bead. It's the "reaching out" that is the important part; you can't fail if you do that. Maybe change the way you view success?
What a lovely necklace–thank you for sharing! And thank you, too, for sharing something so personal… I certainly wish you all the best as you reach for happiness!
What a lovely and lyrical creation, Audrey… I love how you have placed Patricia's bead inside its own little nest, protected from harm
I hope your dreams do come true. Sometimes it is difficult to find the right thing to dream about, isn't it?
Audrey I hope you find the peace and contentment that you seek. Your piece is lovely. I got the same bead as you and yet our creations are very different.
This is a great piece! I hope you don't let failures so you from going after your dreams. One day the right dream will come true!
Lovely concept, Audrey – and a gorgeous piece! I am sure you'll achieve your dreams, like Monique mentioned: once you find the right dream to focus on, everything will fall in place by their own accord.
Beautiful! Love the way the cameo is framed! Color of Dreams Blog hop
What a beautiful and unique design! I love how your dreams are held safe by the metal components. So protected yet allowed to shine.
This necklace is amazing and lovely!!! You have an amazing gift and you used it here!!! I hope you find and hold your dream!!!
I just *had* to look up "Toki No Hourousha" and found out it was from a FF game! HOW AWESOME! I can't believe I didn't recognize that right off the bat. I'm a big Final Fantasy fan.
My favorites are FFX & FFX-2. And I loved FFVII. Enough of that!
I love your necklace! It's lovely. My condolences about the loss of your Mother. :'(
But the sentiments are absolutely beautiful. I really like how you encased the cameo and polymer bead.
And I use those bead caps as flowers, too!
I'm sorry your dreams seem fleeting. I felt the same way for many many years. Feel free to drop me a note if you ever get the urge! zenithjade@yahoo.com . (You can also find me on facebook- Andrea Glick).
If you ever dreamed about creating unique and interesting jewelry then one dream came true. I really like how you incorporated so many unique beads/findings. I love the butterfly and what you did with your orphan bead. It's in a world of its own.
Wonderful design and very unique…
I am your new follower
What a creative necklace. I love how you put the pieces together. Beautiful!
Audrey, it looks to me that your dream came true through this piece. Pretty spring!
You are so, so brave. It takes courage to be honest with struggles. Keep up the great work. The piece is IN-CRED-IBLE.
I love your floral and cameo creation. You really put your heart into it which is an amazing talent. Many of us feel but have difficulty expressing it in our art. I admire your skill and wish you happy fulfillment of your dreams.
What a lovely piece. The colors are sublime and enchanting.
I really like this – it's just sweet.
Absolutley gorgeous piece, I would so love to wear this. You have showcased the bead extremely well and captured the meaning of all the elements. You are very talented and have created a wonderful piece of jewelery.
I love your necklace, and your dream of being happy, I think we all have them.
Well thought.
Your piece is incredible!! Full of mystical beauty! I love how you worked the cameo and made such a beautiful place for your pillow bead to rest.
Gorgeous, simply gorgeous Audrey! You may feel unworthy but wow! look again — oh so worthy!!! Be happy, you created a beautiful piece of jewelry full of color & a feeling of peacefulness!
Audrey, this is brilliant, beautiful jewelry! I love the sweet bead wrapped in love & safety — the flower dangles & frame are so graceful around the sweet little bead, like a ballet dancer's arms gently embracing it! What a dream! I wish you felt as good as this art is stunning! Such a gift to us all, and so full of talent and knowledge and wow! I love the innovative way you've used Lisa's patina, and the whimsical wire curls from the flowers. The colors and metal work is lovely! And so are you! I've admired you for so long — since we met in Lori's pink hair group, lol
Sometimes it is hard to see how amazing we are from inside; my dream for you is all the happiness you wish for come true! You are a magical artist!
Thank you for sharing your gifts and this gorgeous work of art with us!
Love, Rita
What a pretty piece of jewelry. I really like the way you colored the metal to match your bead. I hope your dream of being happy comes to fruition for you.
Imagine… a person receives ONE beautiful bead and designs such a special necklace 'around' it. Amazing! May your dream come true, and be ♥happy. Wishing you all the best! I started following you
This is fantastic. Combining the colors, textures and techniques in such a unique way makes for a pretty amazing piece of jewelry. Please don't sell yourself short! Christie
Audrey, Here is the Link to our Glossi for the blog hop! I have been making everyone's jewelry page as I commented on each blog post, and I'm really new at it! I had your name & link set up in two places with the wrong photo. I think I'lll have to do a lot more editing this week on the Glossi before it is completed & as good as can be
Here it is my love! xxoo http://glossi.com/ToltecJewels/114077-the-color-of-dreams-blog-hop?eb=ToltecJewels
I have to say these designs are some of my favorites out of all the blogs I have visited so far and I have been through a bunch of them…I love the colors, the rustic charm of some of the pieces, and the whimsical,fantasy bohemian feel the different pieces have they are all beautiful