“I pray to the birds because they remind me of what I love rather than what I fear. And at the end of my prayers, they teach me how to listen.”
― Terry Tempest Williams
2012 | 2013
Hi, and welcome to my reveal of the 8th Bead Soup Blog Party ! Enjoy your stay !
As a reminder, the soup the lovely
Sandra sent me is
here. Sandra set me a challenge – to use yellow, a color which, along with orange, just isn’t a color I… dig. Or use. Or think about most of the time. She provided me with a few yellow beads for this purpose, and early on I ran into a setback. Not so much because of the color, but because most of the yellow beads she sent me, along with the pearls and the lovely coral I was so looking forward to using, had holes too small to be strung on 20 gauge wire. 22 would have compromised the strength of the pieces, so I pulled out what little yellow that I do own from my own stash and set out to work, finding creative ways to use the small yellow beads and the pearls in a different way.

This bracelet contains one of the focals Sandra sent me. I wanted to keep the top hole to hang from, as well as keep the bird straight, so rather than hook from the provided bails, I mounted (of sorts) the lovely bird focal on a round mother of pearl doughnut that another good friend of mine (also, aptly, named Sandra, but she will be represented as her online handle of Efte for purposes of clarity). The MOP links came with copper links that covers the inside of the inner hole, so it was easy to punch an hole though the decorative element, afix a wire to the back of the bird, then wire everything up neatly. To make sure nothing came undone, I poured resin on the backside. This bird isn’t flying away ! The heart with kanji came from Efte as well, though I used ice enamels to color it. Sandra sent me the flower bead caps separately upon realizing she forgot to send me some, and they worked perfectly in this lovely little bracelet !
The clasp is handmade by the lovely Lisa of Metal Me This, painted with lumiere paints and adorned with a tiny wire nest. Sandra sent me a trio of lovely egg beads, but they were a little big for this purpose, so I painted this smaller trio to match them. The bird spacers are from Sandra as well, but are guarding tiny nests of pearls and hearts rather than spacing anything ! Most of the gemstones on this bracelet were part of my soup, with exceptions of the smaller agate round, the wooden beads, and the round yellow stones, that came from my stash. The three strands were made separately and then I wired them together with jump rings to keep things tidy. this is a substantial piece, as per my usual, and a nice weight on one’s wrist. I made this within a week of getting my soup, and have been wearing it nearly constantly since !
But, Audrey, you mentioned three big egg beads, where are they ? Well…
There they are ! I first made this to be an element in the bracelet, but it was much too big to work well. Rather than cut the whole thing apart, I thought to make a ring with a spare bit of bookchain much like I’ve seen Harry of
Oscarcrow do. This is very similar to how I mounted the bird on the bracelet – I used apoxie sculpt to fill the hole, then pressed the focal. I found that it wasn’t strong enough in the nest’s case, thanks to all the irregularities of the wire wrapping, but it left me an impression that made it easy to simply glue it back in place once the clay had cured. Bookchain is expensive, and having a good way to use up small bits and bobs is very handy !
But, Audrey, those who know me might say. Two whole pieces, and nary a necklace in sight ? Are you well ?
Worry not, my dears.

There’s a necklace, as one could expect from me 😛 The base is assemblage of three different brass pieces – the backplate with the holes, the winged cartouche, and the heart. The heart was painted with vintaj inks in a mix of garnet and black, then had iced enamels applied on. I painted the little bird with lumière paint for the golden, and the leftover red from the heart. I used crystal clay to fix the heart of the winged cartouche, and then went around it with the pearls Sandra sent me to hide how raised up it was. They worked perfectly for this purpose !
The base itself had some red painted onto, then I used tissue decoupage on top of it. Once the two parts were together, I put resin on everything, making sure to not cover the pearls. Then I put the backplate on.
I made the neckline while keeping in mind that the piece was going to be relatively bottom heavy – the sari ribbon on the back keeps the necklace from being harsh on the neck, where the beaded segments offer decoration on the sides. The clasp is the clasp Sandra sent me, though it gained a little birdy friend who made a nest upon it.
The lower part is definitively kitchen sinky. The sari ribbon adds a lot of volume to the bottom part while not adding too much weight. A lot of the gemstone beads that Sandra sent me ended up here, along with a little bottle full of coral. I made yet another little nest for the center tassel part, with a cloisonne bead Efte sent me. The rest came from my own stash. Here’s a better look of the whole bottom part pulled out :
And, as a finale, something a little more unusual (well, for me…)
These earrings all use the bead caps and the yellow beads Sandra sent me, as well as some scrap bits of sari and chain. These were actually really fun to do, and I plan to do more of them ! I love to use the little brass spoon
Brenda sells as elements like this. They work very well for earrings, or elements in assemblage. Im sure to make a bunch more !
84 Responses to “Bead Soup Blog Party 8 :: REVEAL !”
*speechless* BEAUTIFUL! Well done!
– Linda – http://FromTheBeadBoard.blogspot.com; http://cherryOnTopDesign.co
Wow! I specially like the earrings 🙂
Such incredible detail and a richly textured masterpiece. I love those earrings too.
I am an earring girl and those earrings are gorgeous. But the bracelet I love love love.
wow amazing pieces in here…you had quite a difficult/gorgeous focal to work with, but you nailed it. It is dreamy!
Lovely bold birdy work! Your necklace is my favorite, it would add some theatrical magic to any day in the office!
Awesome work! See? I KNEW you'd totally rock that darker yellow 😉 Gorgeous pieces, all of them, but I think that bracelet is my fave. You met my challenges head on and did a fabulous job 🙂 And I'm not surprised in the least that you glued the pearls rather than string them; I think your brain is automatically set to 'think outside the box' so that you can create such beautiful work and bypass challenges so easy 🙂
The finale really is the icing on the cake. Those earrings are wonderful. I love them.
I love how eclectic your designs are!
you mixed components beautifully! super use of fabric! congratulations!
Fabulous,totally adore each wonderful piece.
OMG Gorgeousness
Aren't those eggs cute!
Oddly enough the focal wasn't difficult at all ! I knew what I wanted to do with it the second I saw it. Making all three strands work together was more difficult 😛
Beautiful pieces from a lovely soup!
Wow – gorgeous! I'd say you more than handled that challenge! 🙂
Wow….beautifully done and very well put together 🙂
Gorgeous pieces – I love what you made with your soup!!
I just love what you have done!! you met your challenge brilliantly !1 Love how you have used the sari silk ribbon. One thing about bright yellow. it does make the blues really pop!! I used to dislike it as well, not any more!!!
Gorgeous! Wonderful statement pieces and I love the colours too.
they all came out great audrey~~
Everything you made is eclectic eye candy. I really like the earrings with the little spoons – how sweet and creative. I can see why you would want to make more.
What an elegant color scheme you ended up with. The sari silk works great with everything and I love the way it dangles down from the triangle centerpiece
Love the creativity you have, the fibre works so well. A piece of beautiful art to wear. Those earrings are stunning
Phwoar! What gorgeous eye candy! Love your birds nest, very clever. Am totally enamoured with your first bracelet.
Oh my, these are very interesting pieces. The longer you look at it, the more you discover. Especially with the necklace. Great work.
Lovely pieces 🙂
For someone who just doesn't do yellow, you do yellow very well 🙂 Love what you've done and I adore the bird focal in your first bracelet. I can see why you've been wearing it this whole time! Wonderfully done, all!
Beautiful pieces….I make a nest too…but with the eggs beads is beautiful.
So many interesting details on all of your pieces to catch the eye, but the first bracelet is just fantastic!
All the pieces are amazing! Especially I love the bracelet, it's so gorgeous and so romantic.
Oh. My. God. You've done it again. I would have gone nuts constructing that bracelets, with all those interlinking jump rings. I think this at least partially qualifies as a chain maille piece. Using the book chain for the ring was a very creative idea, and the necklace … wow, I'm blown away. What an opulent statement piece. Love the earrings too! Of course. You know me. Earring gal. XD
Also, clearly, you know too many Sandras. I kept being confused. @_@
Oh my goodness….how beautiful! I love the pieces! Especially the ring! How cool! Thanks for joining and posting!
So many details to see in this stunning ♥jewellery! The bracelet is my favourite, I love what you created!
You've created some interesting pieces with your soup. I love how you were so creative with your bird focal in the first bracelet, fabulous – Cheers!
Lori in Atlanta
Very festive ,full of color .
You have seriously come into your own style-wise, girlie. Your creations are totally fantastic. I especially love that nest ring. Definitely a clever way to use up that leftover little bit of chain. And man! For a lady that doesn't wear earrings, those are some seriously bad ass earrings. Love them! Heck, I love all of it! I don't suppose you'd be willing to sell the purple earrings to me? 😀
As if I could SELL you anything., /bap
Messaged you on gtalk, mi darlin
Beautiful, what wonderful details, I love the nest and how it is incorporated.
you had made a beautiful work with your soup!
I love your eclectic designs. The ring is my favourite, great use of book chain!
This is so beautiful!
I am in awe with each and every piece you made, great inspiration!
Fabulous pieces – so creative and unique. The necklace – Wow!
I think you are not alone in liking yellow beads somewhat less than other colors. Even in bead stores they seem under-represented. Love your designs. They look reckless and organic, like a field overgrown with wildflowers.
your designs are all amazing and jaw-dropping…makes me think i need to step it up a notch! ha! just beautiful!
Wow, a beautiful, crazy and unique jewelry you have made. Fantastic and amazing.
I'm not usually fun of assemblage jewelry – but you make it work for me! The designs are so creative and unique, brilliant!
Great thinking outside the box. My partner also sent me yellow accents which were a challenge. Fabulous job!
beautiful designs but I just LOVE that birdie bracelet =)
I have a thing for little birdies that bracelet is adorable and the eggs beads are too sweet! Thank You for stopping by!
What an amazing necklace! And those earrings are just beautiful!
I LOVE that you & Sandra are partners! How wonderful!
You created a masterpiece in your necklace & bracelet. I adore the spoon earrings too — simply gorgeous, and brilliant of you. The bottle of coral was an ingenious use of the gem after not fitting the wire, and the bird's nest are delightful and charming, magical. You created a splendid feast to take in and appreciate, as always exquisite work! Lovely! Happy Hopping! ♥ Rita
Absolutely love love every piece, what a great talent, the way you mix materials….fabulous!
What beautiful pieces. It's a wearable collage… a wearable mélange of beauty (I hope I'm using that word correctly) lol It fits how I want to describe it. Great soup!
I love all the sari silk in your pieces. And the nest clasp with the bird in that bracelet is so clever. The nest ring is pretty darn clever too. Nice work!
YUM!!! Deliciously beautiful creations – each and every one!!!
What a wonderful collage you have made all the pieces are most unusual well done!
beautiful work, love the organic feel that the silk adds to the creations
Love the use of the chain to make the ring… fantastic!
I love your style and use of colour. Beautiful
Such fabulous, lush pieces – love your work!
Very imaginative pieces and you got so inventive with your soup, adjusting and readjusting elements. That ring is a fabulous idea! I especially like the earrings and how you used that spoon finding & bead cap!
Great use of your soup! Such creative & wonderful pieces – awesome 🙂
WOW. The purple earrings are simply beautiful. I mean, they are my favorite! But the rest of your creations is beautiful as well. I wish to be so talented! (:
That birds nest is adorable!
I really love what you've created The first one is very cool! Creative and wonderful with so many interesting details!
Very well done!
All of your pieces are wonderful. I love the colors and designs.
Oh my god, so many components – very kitschy
Love your mixed media pieces, very bold!
WHAT AN AMAZING COLLECTION OF DESIGNS!!! Sorry for shouting [well maybe a little sorry…lol] I really love these Audrey!!! Have a Blessed Day!!!
Hi Audrey. You definitely have your own style. The bracelet is beautiful. Your nest ring is a clever idea. I have not seen one like it. I also like your kitchen sink necklace. Good job on your earrings.
What Becky said. You do have a wonderful, unique style. I love that these turned out so very different than what anyone else would have done with the same beads. You have a rich imagination and have filled these with so much beautiful texture and joy. Love them!
I think 'kitchen sinky' is a new design idea! 😉 I think that the style you have going is so intriguing. There is so much to look at, so many interesting bits along the journey of each piece. Thank you for sharing your talents with the Bed Soup. Enjoy the day! Erin
Absolutely gorgeous very intricate work
Those earrings are so cool! You really have a gypsy vibe going. Great job on all your designs.
These ROCK, Audrey… your designs are so intricate and so full of story 🙂
Sorry to be so late visiting (I'm backwards!)
All of your pieces are so, so great!! The kitchen-sinky portion of your necklace is awesome and those earrings are fab. I think your use of the yellow beads was inspired and gives each of your pieces such a fun pop of color! Most excellent work!
I adore everything! I'm the same with yellow and orange but you nailed it. That clasp is divine.