
Imaginarium, a dream emporium!
Caress the tales
And they will dream you real
A storyteller’s game,
Lips that intoxicate
The core of all life
Is a limitless chest of tales…

I think this is a problem every artist has, eventually. You really don’t have the faintest idea what goes on in your own brain anymore !

I have cases of this everyday, but today I actually let it translate directly into jewelry. See for yourself…

What the ever loving hell is this, your ask ? Well, I… don’t know either. XD It STARTED as steampunk, I can tell you this much… I was on par with the course until the flowers were put on. They wanted to go there, and who was I to deny them ?

This is mixed metal at it’s finest – copper, brass and silver dancing together with the shimmery hint of ribbon and the ball chain.

I quite like the pop of purple, honestly. It brings color to the piece, just a subtle pull from all the metal tones. This started as an empty bezel, the backdrop was painted with vintaj patinas then the charms and cogs were placed in before the resin was poured, when it was topped off with the word stick. The word stick is not glued on top, it is literally bonded with the resin… And it’s not falling off anytime soon !

This is a lariat, for the Creative Group‘s april challenge, but given that this is ball chain I had to use a clasp… But hey, I embelished it a bit, as you can see !
Well, I hope you liked that little outlook into my brain. Remember, we’re all mad here… 😉

Follow the madness,
Alice you know once did…

2 Responses to “Imaginarium”

  1. I do so love mixing metals. You did a great job with this piece. I really like how the ribbon softens up the "harshness" of the metals. The ball chain looks really neat. Gives me ideas for the two spools I have. ♥

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