Category: B’Sue Boutique Creative Group

  • The Color of Dreams Blog Hop :: Reveal !

    ((Feel free to skip the tl;dr bullshit and go right to the pretty. I won’t blame ya.)) Dreams are a bit of a… slippery subject for me, to be honest. I’ve struggled with self-esteem issues all my life, and am still struggling with them now. I will probably be struggling with them all my life.…

  • A Collection Of Favorites

    So, my soup is simmering nicely… Im at four pieces now ! And some of them are surprising, for me 🙂 But I can’t show those pretties, so consider this an intermission of sorts. Keen readers of this blog might have seen me mention the B’Sue Boutique Creative Group a few times. B’Sue Boutique is the place…

  • An Odd Little Flower Garden

    This is my piece for the monthly challenge over at B’sue Boutique Creative Group. for your viewing enjoyment. 🙂 The challenge this month consists of taking this little tie here, or a bowtie, and make something funky with it. I’ve gotten one of these in a muse box a long time ago, but had never…

  • Counting Stars

    Lately I been, I been losing sleep Dreaming about the things that we could be But baby, I been, I been prayin’ hard Said no more counting dollars We’ll be counting stars Yeah, we’ll be counting stars I often take things apart. Most of the times, I put them back together in the exact same…

  • The Secret-Seeker

    This is my first cuff, inspired by the lovely cuff that Cathy Trummer Buckley made in the B’Sue Creative Group 🙂   The Secret-Seeker, for Febuary’s challenge – such as it can be a called a challenge for me << Someone should tell me NOT to use Vintaj patinas or Lumiere paints, now that would…

  • I do live… somewhat

    /feebly attempts to knocks off some dust from blog Hi. Yes, I am still alive. I’ve been better, but I am still alive. A lot of things happened in the last… eight months, I do believe ? Needless to say, those things weren’t jewelry. It feels like so much has changed since I was gone,…

  • Imaginarium

    Imaginarium, a dream emporium! Caress the tales And they will dream you real A storyteller’s game, Lips that intoxicate The core of all life Is a limitless chest of tales… I think this is a problem every artist has, eventually. You really don’t have the faintest idea what goes on in your own brain anymore…

  • A Dreaming Little Bird

    Will the day come when the cooped bird in the cage has a dream? If I can stay by your side when you shed tears my will to stay here shall never waver This is my second piece for the march challenge over at B’Sue Boutique Creative Group – kitchen sink jewelry. Im glad I managed to…