Category: Donna is awesome

  • A Sky Full Of Stars

    (Looking for my BSBP reveal ? go here ! <3) ‘Cause in a sky, ’cause in a sky full of stars I think I see you I think I see you This piece is a bit personal for a few reasons, the first of which being because it features a bead by my very talented lampwork artist…

  • Seasons Blog Hop – REVEAL !

    Oh deary me. Where can I even begin ? The last few months have had it’s share of things – some of them bad, like depression rearing it’s ugly head again, but some good, like a promotion at work ! Which did shovel a lot of things on me. My muses have been absent for…

  • Bead Porn

    (Don’t worry, this post is safe for work. It’s well. Bead porn !) There are issues that come with having amazing lampworkers for friends. (Hi Judy, Hi Donna, Hi Jenn, talking about you thar) You end up hoarding pretty beads like a dragon and having an empty bank account. *sigh* What a life I lead… I own many…