Category: finished

  • Bead Soup Blog Party 6 : Reveal #3 – REVEAL !

    Well, that was a wild ride. A fun ride, but a wild one. Last that I have given you a sneak peak of this program, my faithful readers had learned that I was up against  my nemesis, the seed bead. And oh, oh so many seed beads. Then, as I was working on the first…

  • Thrift Store Blog Hop – REVEAL !

    Hi everybody – welcome to my reveal post for the thrift store blog hop ! This has been a very enlightening hop for me. I used to go to thrift stores with my mother when I was younger, and from my memories, there was very little jewelry there. Turn out my memory was wrong, wrong, WRONG. Not…

  • A Special Collaboration…

    I have had the honor to collaborate (even if long-distance) with a very talented young man. Most of you might very well know him ! His name is Zachary Anderson. Yep, I was one of the lucky dogs who managed to grap one of Zack’s resin focals when they went up. This is the focal I…

  • Galaxia Insomnia ~ Astral Domination

    It started with one woman, and one bead. Lampwork bead by Jennifer Cameron. Part of her Nightmare Insomnia line <3 There was a party, the the bead changed hands. It changed countries, in fact ! The second woman saw the universe, a nebula, trapped in glass.Infinity in something that could be held in the palm on…

  • I took the stars from my eyes and then, I made a map…

    A few weeks ago, Nicole of NValentineStudio had a 50% sale off everything in her store. Yup. 50% off. Amazing lampwork. I was on this faster than someone could even blink at their computer screen. In particular, there was one focal that tickled my fancy… And so I got it, as well as a lovely set of beads that matched…

  • That One Piece

    Well, those two pieces, but maentic schemantic, right. You know what im talking about, right ? That one piece which drives you CRAZY, and refuses to work out the way you want them to ? Yup. These were the two pieces. I am a writer (nowhere near a professional level, I assure you !), and…

  • Keep the sith lord in your life happy. They don’t force-choke you when you do that.

    Karen is my twin. There’s no other explanation. We are seriously, honestly, twins, and if we ever go somewhere at the same time we will have the whole damn world asking us if we are sisters. And this is perfectly dang fine with me. You know how the rule of twins must go, through. There’s the…

  • On Willpower Fails

    This was supposed to be Teresa’s birthday present. Her birthday is in July. Yup, I failed my willpower check. I failed it hard. But I have a very happy friend, so I would say the trade-off isn’t so bad. But would’t you ?! Ahhh ! Teresa’s favorite stone is tiger’s eye… As one might have noticed…

  • Oh, Blog of Mine…

    What will I ever do with you ? Really. I never remember to update this thing. At all. My backlog is quite epic by now too ! Well, I guess im gonna have to chip at it, post by post, and blow the dust off this joint by the time the bead soup blog party…

  • And now for some self-indulgence

    …What ? Im allowed to make things for myself every now and then. …Okay I make a lot of things for myself but that’s beside the point. How am I supposed to practice otherwise ? XD I think if I spoiled my friends any more than I do they would hunt me down in my…