Category: keratoconus

  • Keratoconus and You : What The Fook Is A Keratoconus and Can I Eat It ? (not really)

    Having keratoconus is kind of like having a mental illness in a way. Since people can’t see it, you might as well not have anything. :V It’s not like a broken arm and you can’t really SEE the cornea deformation unless it’s extremely severe, and scarring are for very heavy cases. So a part of…

  • /tap microphone

    Is this thing on ? Ahem. Yes. Hi, im Esper, the Artist Formerly Known As Zero. It’s been awhile. As in, literal years. With a S at the end. To say many things have happened would be an understatement, in fact im not totally sure where to start. My depression started flaring again, and my…