Category: Thrift Store Blog Hop Challenge

  • Thrift Store Blog Hop – REVEAL !

    Hi everybody – welcome to my reveal post for the thrift store blog hop ! This has been a very enlightening hop for me. I used to go to thrift stores with my mother when I was younger, and from my memories, there was very little jewelry there. Turn out my memory was wrong, wrong, WRONG. Not…

  • Trift Store : Part 2 : Electric… boogaloo ?

    I woke up to a computer who refused to boot. This was rather unusual. There was a black out last night, and I figure windows might have been installing updates because my windows installation was hosed. Oh my. Well, good thing a computer doesn’t stay stubborn with me very long. Im already back in action,…

  • Thrift Store Blog Hop – The Findings !

    Because clearly im not involved in enough hops and challenges yet. I’ve still got some room to breathe, so obviously not. ;p Sarah of Pookledo came up with the idea as she was going through a thrift store for components… And invited us all to take part ! You can see her post about the blog hop here.…