Category: Uncategorized

  • *Grump*

    Okay, I try to keep this blog mostly light-hearted and on track with my beading endeavors, but im kind of quickly reaching critical mass here. Im really starting to wish I had never taken this vacation at all. July, so far, has been a trainwreck. – Plans that have been made have been cancelled without so…

  • Trift Store : Part 2 : Electric… boogaloo ?

    I woke up to a computer who refused to boot. This was rather unusual. There was a black out last night, and I figure windows might have been installing updates because my windows installation was hosed. Oh my. Well, good thing a computer doesn’t stay stubborn with me very long. Im already back in action,…

  • Yowza.

    Lori is at it again. Because organizing a whole blog hop with 400 people, participating in three reveals of said blog hop, and dealing with the issues that inevitably arise along the way is certainly not enough, she decided to hold a giveaway. (Woman, has anyone given you pie and scotch yet ???) And not just…

  • Intermission

      More or less. XD I might not look like im up to much, but im making very good headway sights unseen. 2 of my challenges are done completely, with a third waiting on me to make up my damn mind and take pictures / write the post. So that’s three out of five in…

  • Thrift Store Blog Hop – The Findings !

    Because clearly im not involved in enough hops and challenges yet. I’ve still got some room to breathe, so obviously not. ;p Sarah of Pookledo came up with the idea as she was going through a thrift store for components… And invited us all to take part ! You can see her post about the blog hop here.…

  • TGIS !!!!!

    (This is my friday, okay. Bear with me.) I am freeee. FREEEEEE~ Oh vacation, blissful and lovely and oh-so-awaited, you are mine at last.  And we will do amazing things together. Yesssssss…. So many beautiful and amazing things… ….Through I have three of my five hops cleared out already. Yipes. Im like that. XD; Well,…

  • Do You Know How Hard It Is ??

    B’Sue has asked a rather important question. Which of the videos she has made in her 2 years of recording is your favorite ? My answer to this runs more or like along the lines of ‘Do I have to just pick ONE ???’ Oh man. For people not familiar with B’Sue and her videos, please…

  • And The Winner Is…

    If we do something like this… 1. R. Kuhlman2. Dyanne3. Leah Curtis4. Sherri Stokey5. Dragonfly Close6. Kimberly, Bakin’ Goddess7. Clarity Of Purple Sage8. Stepha9. Jessica10. Marla11. Katherine at Terra Beadworks12. Tammie13. dreaminofbeads / SAS Jewelry Designs14. Pine Ridge Treasures15. min16. Tumblestone Handmakery17. rockcreekcreations18. Manik Jawa Inc19. Here Bead Dragons20. pepita21. Lorillijean22. Spun Sugar Beadworks23. Ginger…

  • Come On Ladies… Time To Spill.

    ((Don’t forget that I have a giveaway going until June 24th, midnight EST ! If you havn’t entered yet, please don’t forget to do so ! <3))I woke up to to the fact that a gnome sneaked balloons to my work chair. (The gnome looked oddly dad-shaped…. Hmm.) And to my assistant trying to bat the whole thing…

  • Bead Soup Blog Party : Meet My Partner

    ((Don’t forget that I have a giveaway going until June 24th, midnight EST ! If you havn’t entered yet, please don’t forget to do so ! <3)) As many of you know, the partners list for the Bead Soup Blog Party went out yesterday. After getting my partner, I would like in introduce you with her and…