Category: Uncategorized

  • And now for some self-indulgence

    …What ? Im allowed to make things for myself every now and then. …Okay I make a lot of things for myself but that’s beside the point. How am I supposed to practice otherwise ? XD I think if I spoiled my friends any more than I do they would hunt me down in my…

  • Für eine erstaunlichste dame

    You know, I think the hardest parts of doing these really is… well, writing these posts. What can I even begin to say about Sandra ? Well, for one, I would not be sitting here and writing this if it wasn’t for her. She is a large part of why I am doing this, mostly…

  • ,,,And What Came Out Of It.

    I got a new cellphone. Yes, this is relevant – because see, my old cellphone did not take very good photos. The Galaxy Nexus ? Well. Let’s just say that there’s an improvement. This is the first piece I’ve ever finished, and it is a gift to the amazing Bee, without which I would be a…

  • The Labradorite Incident

    Storytime, boys and girls. You might remember this fuckery. Yeah, im not even sure how I even thought this was good, myself, but details. I like to call it the Labradorite Incident. It’s an extremely sad tale, and I think it is time to tell it, now. The whole thing was not as stable as I thought. In fact……

  • In which I am not dead.

    Actually… These are still wips, actually. I still need to get the right wire and regather the courage to try wire-wrapping after The Labradorite Incident (which… I should probably write about. Uh.) which… well, might take a little bit, especially until I get something i’ll actually be proud enough of to give to someone <<…

  • Everything is either bigger or smaller than you think it is.

    True story. Aseasfsafdsa how will I make all this work together I have no idea.

  • Lapis lazuli on silver wire. My biggest problem is the tops. They always come out a garbled mess of wire. Maybe I need to trim shorter ? At least everything is solid, which I figure when it comes down to it is the important part for me right now. Also I do not have an…

  • Uhehehe

  • Sometimes the unexpected happens.

    There’s a method behind my madness. No, really. It’s called try a little bit of everything and see what sticks. Sometimes it doesn’t work. Sometimes it just plain fails catastrophically, and im left to nurse my broken ego and lick my wounds. But sometimes… Sometimes I manage to blow my own mind. This is one…

  • Important Facts Of Life

    Sometimes things aren’t quite as they seem. o_o;;;; Today I learned to always keep a ruler on hand when ordering beads. What might look quite big in pictures might actually… Not quite be what you think you are. I might have to rethink some things now. Oh well, learning experience ! (Through I figure this…