Category: Uncategorized

  • Six years

    Six years is a long time. A child born six years ago would be starting second grade in september. At least here. Today it has been six years since my mother died. A vein in her brain burst and flooded it with blood – there was nothing we could do. She died very suddenly, and not very…

  • Bead Porn

    (Don’t worry, this post is safe for work. It’s well. Bead porn !) There are issues that come with having amazing lampworkers for friends. (Hi Judy, Hi Donna, Hi Jenn, talking about you thar) You end up hoarding pretty beads like a dragon and having an empty bank account. *sigh* What a life I lead… I own many…

  • When You Wish Upon A Star…

    …It doesn’t matter where you are. So, hey, long time no actual… stuff, right ? Well, that is not really the case – just that most of it is tied to reveal dates. This piece is not, though, so I can actually share it. Yay yay. This piece started as a simple entry for Brenda’s…

  • Bead Soup Blog Party 7 :: Memetic Soup Mutation

    I am sad to report that I have nada done yet – thanks to Canada Post OH SO SURPRISELY /sarcarsm failing me when I need it the most. I am in the second reveal, at least, so I am not in true panic for multiple plan B’s just yet. Still, this makes me grumpy. I…

  • Blueeeeee…..

    Don’t you love discovering giveaways late ? But ah, I can’t resist blue. Never have, never could. You should know this, Sandra. /tsktsk. Anyway ! Want to win these lovelies ? You know you want to… ;D Go to Sandra’s blog and enter ! Only 13 hours left as of this writing !

  • Bead Soup Blog Party 7 :: A Special Guest And Some Soup

    Oh, hi there ! My name is Twilight Sparkle. You’ll have to apologize for my lack of manners. I’ve just spent the last week and an half stuffed in a box ! Egads, right ? Humans…. really. But I figure a gal’s got to look at the bright side – I am out of that…

  • Bead Soup Blog Party 7 :: Meet My Partner !

    *blows dust off blog, watches bunnies fly by* @.x Wham damn. Anyway ! If you are looking at this right either, either you followed the master list of the Bead Soup Blog Party, or you were already subscribed – either way, welcome / welcome back ! This year, I will be part of the second reveal date…

  • My Bead Table Blog Hop – Reveal !

    Hi, I am here. Can’t say im alive, but im not quite dead either. This is what happened : I work in a restaurant. We are entering the heavy season – with classes starting again and the high school nearby, there’s a first batch of specials. Then another batch in october. We are introducing some…

  • Audrey in Pinkland

    Once upon a time, in a location not so far away from there, there was a girl.  One day, in her wanderings, the young girl fell into a hole – let us call it a rabbit hole, to keep things simple – along with her fuzzy old cat companion. Inside that hole, the girl was…

  • Bead Soup Blog Party 6 : Reveal #3 – REVEAL !

    Well, that was a wild ride. A fun ride, but a wild one. Last that I have given you a sneak peak of this program, my faithful readers had learned that I was up against  my nemesis, the seed bead. And oh, oh so many seed beads. Then, as I was working on the first…